Rising Of Ashes

Friday, September 01, 2006

Is Robbing a Bank Such A Bad Thing?

So I am officially a bank robber. Well, ok not really. Today the rent is due. My crooked landlord owns the meter, refuses to let us have our own electric bill, and doubles the charge this month. I did not budget for this unexpected expense.
I am balancing my checkbook to see exactly how much dough I will have to live off of for the week. Using these handy-dandy bank websites to verify all the checks, charges, and withdraws, I come accross several charges I hadn't accounted for. They aren't bogus, just forgotton. Shit. I thought I used my other card for these several items. Well the bank didn't just magically retrieve all my information from another credit card, assume the charges and post them to my account. Totally my fault. If I write this check today, it will bounce.
This is where what I refer to as creative banking comes into play. As I am balancing, I notice two checks to the same after school day care agency for my son have not yet cleared. Woo Hoo! This is $155. So if I pretend that these were never written, I can use this money to cover my rent check.
How do I know that this will work? Again, my genius is revealed. If I mail the rent check tomorrow, it won't be recieved until Wednesday with the holiday. Then by the time it goes to thier bank, gets posted, then over to my bank and posted to my account, it will be next friday and my direct deposit will have kicked in. In the worst case scenario, the check posts a day before I am ready for to, and I have to pay one day's overdraft fee. $25 is worth it for me to not lose my house.
So, yes, essentially I am robbing the bank, but in reality I am just borrowing from myself. The bank, unbeknownst to them, are acting like a ChecksCashed shop. Just without the fee!

So this weekend I am off to see The Marshall Tucker Band and Georgia Sattelite play. I am excited! I may not have reached thirty yet, but most of my taste in music is older than me. After that Thunder, that is the boyfriend, and I will drive up to Chillicothe for the huge motorcycle rally. Probably lots of beer and tits! What better way to have a party? Who knows, mine might make thier debut for a motorcycle rally! Anyone who knows me, knows I am not shy about whipping them out! It will be wild!!
Well I am off! Next post will be post-concert and post-Chillicothe!

P.S. Thunder is not a given bad-ass Harley name. I have always called him that since one of my friends refered to him as "The Bald Thunder"


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